Safe Mercury Amalgam Filling Removal in Philadelphia & Kensington, MD

At Presidential Dental, your safety comes first. Rest assured, we avoid using mercury in any of our fillings and implement meticulous procedures to ensure their safe removal.

Your well-being is our top concern during the removal of your mercury fillings.

Ensuring Your Safety with Safe Mercury Filling Removal

We prioritize your safety during mercury filling removal. Our team wears protective gear and utilizes advanced tools like rubber dams and vacuums to trap harmful particles and vapors.

Additionally, patients receive clean oxygen for added protection. To minimize mercury release, we use cool water and cut the filling into chunks before drilling.

Afterward, the area is rinsed with chlorella or charcoal slurry to eliminate any residue, ensuring your health and safety.

Schedule an exam today to begin your safe mercury filling removal process!

Mercury filling removal are mercury fillings bad
Removal of amalgam fillings in pittsburgh scaled mercury filling removal

Understanding the Risks of Mercury Filling Removal

While appearing silver, amalgam fillings contain 50% mercury, a hazardous metal known to cause lasting neurological harm to your brain and nervous system.

Traditional removal methods often lead to inhaling or ingesting mercury particles or gas, posing risks to both patients and dental staff . . . that’s why we implement specialized protocols to minimize exposure and safeguard everyone’s well-being.

Understanding the Hazards of Retaining Mercury Amalgam Fillings

Mercury amalgam fillings don’t bond to teeth, resulting in potential leakage and bacterial infiltration, leading to underlying issues like decay.

At Presidential Dental, our fillings resemble natural teeth and chemically bond to protect against decay. We prioritize safe removal of old mercury amalgam fillings, replacing them with healthier, natural-looking alternatives.

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Schedule Your New Patient Exam and Get Started on Mercury Filling Removal

Schedule your new patient exam with us today to start the mercury filling removal process.

Give us a call at (610)664-1641 for Philadelphia or (240)550-1442 for Kensington, MD, or fill out our form on the page and we will get back to you right away.

If you call after hours, kindly leave a message and we’ll return your call as soon as possible on the following business day.

“Dr. Aryani’s practice is simply the best. She and Richard do what other doctors fail to do and that is give compassionate, wise, and caring dentistry. This is the first time that I feel genuinely respected and my overall health taken seriously by a dentist. They take the time to educate you on matters that really matter: health, teeth, sleep hygiene, oral care, etc. This is what dentistry should look like for everyone.

Anthony – Patient at Presidential Dental

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