

Philadelphia, PA

High-quality sleep is extremely important for children. Tired children can have trouble focusing, struggle in school & be more irritable. However, troubled sleeping can sometimes be caused by more than just a lumpy pillow.

Dr. Aryani for 5+ years has been the only provider HealthyStart™ in the greater Philadelphia area. Setting up your appointment is as easy as calling our Presidential Dental team in Philadelphia at (610) 664-1641.

Uncovering Health Issues in Your Child While Straightening Teeth Without Braces

The Healthy Start System is designed to address:

  • Symptoms of Sleep Disordered Breathing
  • Development of the Dentition
  • Development of the Jaws and Facial Profile
  • Opening up the Airway
  • Straightening of the Teeth
  • Facilitating Dental Arch Expansion
  • Positioning and Training the Tongue for Correct Tongue Placement
  • Correcting a Tongue Thrust
  • Teaching Proper Swallowing
  • Promoting Nasal Breathing
  • Eliminating Oral Habits such as Thumb or Finger Sucking
  • Correcting Overbite, Overjet, Crowding, Gummy Smile, and Cross-Bite

“An estimated nine out of ten children suffer from one or more symptoms related to Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB).” – JAOS, Bergersen / Stevens

These children experience a wide range of debilitating SDB-related issues, such as:

  • Lower IQ
  • Chronic allergies
  • Aggressive behavior
  • Mouth breathing
  • Swollen adenoids & tonsils
  • Daytime drowsiness
  • Crooked teeth
  • Restless sleep
  • Bedwetting
  • Nightmares
  • Dark circles under the eyes
  • Snoring
  • Irritability
  • Frequent headaches
  • Arrested growth
  • Low grades in math, science & spelling

The HealthyStart™ System is an oral appliance therapy that promotes natural growth & development to address the root causes of SDB. Research has shown that SDB-induced breathing problems are a major contributing factor to the childhood health disorders shown above.

The HealthyStart™ System has been specifically designed to promote the proper growth & development of the jaw & airway to optimize airflow & promote proper nasal breathing while straightening your child’s teeth. As these areas develop, many symptoms of Sleep Disordered Breathing disappear. When kids can breathe properly, they begin to learn, grow & blossom into their true potential.


Many kids with the above health disorders are being “treated” with powerful medications without evaluating a possible root cause. We can evaluate your child to determine if there is a breathing & sleeping issue & whether they might benefit from HealthyStart™ treatment. Please take the sleep & speech questionnaire to make an initial evaluation of your child.

HealthyStart™ not only addresses the root cause of Sleep Disordered Breathing, but also simultaneously straightens your child’s teeth without braces. Best of all, when treatment begins early, the perfect smiles that the HealthyStart™ Appliance System creates are less likely to relapse!

HealthyStart™ creates healthier, happier kids who can breathe. Rarely has there ever been a single appliance or system with the power to impact your child’s health in so many positive ways. As a parent, you owe it to your child to give them every chance to succeed. Call today for more information on how to help children achieve their full potential.

Every Child Deserves a Healthy Start!

HealthyStart™ Appliances are FDA Cleared, BPA, Silicone & Latex Free, ISO Certified, & a Health Canada Class II Medical-Grade Device.

Treatment with the HealthyStart™ Appliance System promotes natural growth & development & is safe & effective. HealthyStart™ is non-surgical, non-pharmaceutical, pain-free & non-invasive therapy, is soft, comfortable & worn at night (or as directed) to assist parents who struggle with children affected by Sleep-Related Breathing Disorder, a restricted airway & crowded or crooked teeth.

Before & After Photos

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